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Applications-Inspired Mathematics

时  间:2013年5月9日(星期四)13:30

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  报告人:Philip Broadbridge (澳大利亚拉筹伯大学)
  Abstract. Even if a practical problem can be fully solved by well established mathematical techniques, a minor change of the practical setting can require new mathematics. Some examples will be given of scientific problems that have been solved using mathematical techniques that had no right to succeed. Other practical problems have led to harmless-looking mathematical problems that have defied attempts at solution. The author’s own experiences arose in applications involving quantum field theory, unsaturated flow, metal surface evolution and cell chemotaxis.
  Philip Broadbridge is Head of the School of Engineering and Mathematical Sciences at La Trobe University, President of Australia New Zealand Industrial and Applied Mathematics, and member of editorial boards of several journals. His PhD, awarded 1983 by the University of Adelaide, was in mathematical physics. Most of his career has involved engineering mathematics. He has previously held full professor positions at the University of Wollongong (Australia), the University of Delaware (USA) and the University of Melbourne. As Director of the Australian Mathematical Sciences Institute, he received a 2008 National Innovation Award in the category of Science Innovation.

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