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Aerosol research at the KIT Institute of Mechanical Process Engineering and Mechanics, Karlsruhe (Germany)




报告人:Dr. Jörg Meyer

报告人简介:Dr. Jörg Meyer is active in the field of gas cleaning as well as in the area of electrostatic effects on particles. During his PhD work with Prof. Gerhard Kasper he studied the influence of particle charge on the collection of sub­micron particles by surface filters. He is now member of the permanent aca­demic staff at the Institute for Mechanical Process Engineering and Applied Mechanics, supervising all activities in the fields of gas particle separation processes and particle charging in the Gas-Particles-Systems group.

报告摘要:Efficient gas cleaning techniques are widely used since more than hundred years now. However, more stringent immission levels, resulting in growing demands on the emissions from wide range of industrial processes (and hu­man activities in general) still generate the need for continuing development and research on particle collection processes. Our current work focuses on filtration processes with increased collection efficiencies, lower pressure drop and thus reduced energy consumption, and longer service life. Additionally, we work on extending the applicability of gas cleaning techniques towards demanding conditions such as higher temperatures or higher particle concen­trations.


报告人:Dr. Martin Seipenbusch

报告人简介:Dr. Martin Seipenbusch is active in the field of aerosol nanoparticle techno­logy. The underlying theme of his research has been the investigation of structure/function relationships of nano-structured materials. During his graduate work with Dr. Gerhard Kasper at the University of Karlsruhe and also in his post-doctoral work with Dr. Sheldon Friedlander at the University of California at Los Angeles, he investigated the structural sensitivity of cata­lytic reactions on metal nanoparticles and nanoparticle dynamics in gas atmosphere. He is now leading a research group at the MVM which is comprised by some post-doctors, graduates for PhD degree and some technical researchers. He was ever the main participant in NANOTRANSPORT-Project supported by European Unite with other researches from different countries. He was the chairman of organizing committee of European Aerosol Conference 2009 and the vice chairman of International Aerosol Conference 2010, and European Aerosol Conference 2011. Due to his advanced work in nanoparticle technology and aerosol science, he got the international Smoluchowski award in 2010.

报告摘要:Advanced particle technology allows the mass production of nano-structured units and thus is a major contributor to the advancement of nano-engineering. Knowledge of property-function relationships of nanoparticles is the basis for their successful inclusion in new products and materials with enhanced or novel (multi-) functionalities. Our current work focuses on the optimization of the functionalities of particulate nanostructures, specifically nanoparticle catalysts. Part of this work is the development of versatile synthesis processes for multi-component functional nanostructures. Beyond the control over particle structure, the study of structure-function relationships also requires methods for the characterization of both types of particle properties. Apart from employing established methods of aerosol science for structural characterization, the development of characterization techniques is therefore another focal area of the research activities.

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